Project Overview:
East Cooper Medical Center in Charleston, SC has been recognized with five star ratings for spine surgery, hip fracture repair, and patient satisfaction. They have also received praise from medical associations because of their extraordinary team of healthcare professionals. After over two decades of serving the community, East Cooper needed a new facility to accommodate that community’s growth.

Unique Problems:
After the completion of their new facility was completed, East Cooper officials realized that cellular reception was not reliable, so they contacted Harris Communications for a solution. The hospital wanted staff and guests, who rely on their smart phones, to have reliable cell reception. Harris Communications, due to our national experience in in implementing repeater solutions for hospitals and other medical facilities, met the stringent standards that East Cooper had.
Harris Communications was able to determine that the primary factor effecting the facility’s cellular reception was the construction of the building. Luckily, there was enough cellular reception outside the facility to be captured and repeated inside the hospital, creating the cellular signal they needed. With this diagnosis in mind, we designed and implemented a multi-carrier fiber solution for the facility.

Thanks to our solution, East Cooper Medical Center was able to secure reliable cellular connectivity throughout their new facility. This was vitally important, as their staff often needs to use smart phones in their day-to-day work.
The new East Cooper facility is twice the size of the former facility and receives fantastic reception throughout. Eliminating the reception problem allowed East Cooper to put more focus on their ultimate goal: to provide care to their friends, family, and neighbors.