How Can I Improve Cellular Coverage In-Building?

Male cell phone user sits at desk and looks frustratedly at his smart phone

This is a great question, and one we hear all the time. Reliable cellular coverage in buildings is an absolute necessity these days. With all of the cellular towers dotting the landscape, you’d think coverage would be universal, but unfortunately that is not the case.

You probably already know that many cellular dead zones exist in modern buildings, especially inside buildings with metal shielding, thick concrete, or even certain types of insulation. High rise apartments, office buildings, and schools are common victims of cellular dead zones. Dropped calls still happen frequently, interrupting peoples’ personal and business lives. Luckily, there’s a solution that will improve cellular coverage in your building.

Cellular repeaters are a versatile piece of technology that can be installed in just about any property to help cell phone signals reach former dead spots. Cellular repeaters bring in signal from outside and aim it into the building through a series of antennae. These repeaters can eliminate dead zones and ensure building occupants and first responders can reliably use their cellular devices. They can also help conserve the battery life of mobile devices, since cell phones use three times as much battery life searching for coverage when it is not present. That means lower power bills going forward.

Learn MoreCover image for Safe Inside podcast, from Safe Buildings Coalition

To learn more about cellular repeaters, distributed antenna systems, and some best practices for building safety, check out The Safe Inside Podcast, from the Safer Buildings Coalition.

Harris Communications is a proud member of the Safer Buildings Coalition!


Work With Harris Communications

Now that you know there’s hope to improve cellular coverage in-building, it’s time to do something about it. At Harris Communications, we can solve all types of data reach problems. If you want to work with the best distributed antenna system team in the business, schedule a call with us to get the ball rolling.