ERRCS / Public Safety DAS Built By Harris Communications

When first responders arrive at the scene of an emergency, they need to be able to act fast. If they are unable to communicate through radio channels, the entire operation could go very badly. That is why more and more schools are being built with emergency responder radio communications systems (ERRCS) incorporated from the beginning.

A reliable ERRCS (also called public safety DAS) can make all the difference during an emergency. That is why Harris Communications works with the Safer Buildings Coalition and local governments to make sure that right standards are in place. A proper ERRCS offers more efficient, reliable, and life-saving communication between emergency responders. If your facility was created without an ERRCS, you can still have one installed and tailored to your specific needs by Harris Communications.

Making the Grade with ERRCS

Because emergency responder radio coverage systems/Public Safety DASs are often required in public facilities, they also need to meet certain minimum standards to satisfy the requirements of the local municipalities. The design of your ERRCS will need to meet the system coverage requirements of both the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Fire Code (IFC), as well as state and local fire jurisdiction requirements.

Implementing these minimum coverage standards into your next Public Safety DAS project requires more effort and a closer look at your materials and the final design. In order to have an accurate DAS design, a comprehensive initial radio frequency (RF) survey is needed. During the survey, Harris Communications takes into consideration the local radio frequencies used by local public safety personnel (UHF/VHF 700 and 800 MHz) to ensure your DAS coverage will be adequate.

Will an ERRCS Improve Radio Coverage on My Campus?

Yes, an effective ERRCS can reduce dead spots to less than 1% of a campus.

In an emergency, an ERRCS can help contact people in hard-to-reach areas:

  • Stairwells
  • Basements
  • Parking Garages
  • Elevators
  • Mechanical or Electrical Rooms
  • Security Desks
  • Fire Command Centers
  • Areas of Refuge or Shelters

View our case studies to learn more about how ERRCSs keep campuses safe.

Find out what an ERRCS might cost your school:

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    Want to learn more but not ready to purchase? We’re happy to help you find federal funding and learn about ERRCS.

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      Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System: Common Requirements

      State and local fire jurisdiction requirements vary around the country. Each state and local jurisdiction will dictate which code to follow because there are differences between them. However, these features are commonly required by codes dictating the existence of an ERRCS.